Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Different Aspects of Conflict in a Selection of Four...

The Different Aspects of Conflict in a Selection of Four War Poems Many poems have been witnessed throughout history that show different views on war and the glory and sacrifices made. Everyone was affected, from the men in the front lines to women and children working back at home. Men involved in the war effort often wrote poems to record their thoughts and feelings, or simply to pass the time. Poetry was an outlet through which they could express great depth of meaning by condensing it into a few words. In this assignment I am going to write about the war poems entitled ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, a poem written in 1854 by Lord Alfred Tennyson, ‘Dulce et Decorum est’, a poem†¦show more content†¦England is personified as being a mother. Brooke’s message in this poem is that if he should die, the place of his death will be made richer by his body. The body will carry these English blessings, passing them onto the ground on which it lies. Brooke writes his own epigraph and shows a moving sense of the poet’s deep love of England and it’s people. The poet feels he can influence the thoughts of those left behind, with this he will try to cement the continuation of those qualities that he thinks of as being essentially English. Brooke has transformed the poem into a sonnet, not addressed to a loved one but to his country. In this poem the moods of the first few months of the war are summed up. Despite the subject matter there is a sort of serenity in the poem, even the words ‘If I should die’ suggests that he expects to survive. The reality of the horror had still to be discovered. This poem mirrors the sentiments expressed in The Charge of the Light Brigade . This event took place in 1854 and is still remembered as one of the most famous triumphs in British history. The truth is that Lord Cardigan suicidally led his troops IntoShow MoreRelatedEssay on Victorian Age1258 Words   |  6 Pagesproduced a variety of changes. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Endocrine System Management Free Samples-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Describe the role of the main harmones and name the Endocrine Glands that produce them? Answer: Introduction: This study deals with the essential aspects of the endocrine system. As stated by Rogers (2012), a collection of glands producing hormones to regulate metabolism, development, growth, reproduction, tissue function, sleep, mood and sexual function constitute the endocrine system. Through this assignment, the role of the hormones, bloodstream and target cells in relation to cell membrane structure and protein receptors are highlighted to have a clear insight on the working of the endocrine system. Role of main hormones and the glands that produce them: The endocrine system is composed of several glands secreting relevant chemicals and hormones assisting the body to cope with the different levels of stress and events it encounters. Koch and Chrousos (2012) identified the major glands constituting the endocrine system as the Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland, Adrenal gland, Pancreas, Pituitary gland, Ovaries (in females) and Testes (in males). The relevant hormones they produce are: Glands Hormones Hormones Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal gland Pancreas Pituitary gland Ovaries Testes Pineal gland Thyroid hormone (TH) as Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3), Parathyroid hormone (PTH) as Aldosterone, cortisol, adrenaline and non-adrenaline Insulin, glucagon Growth hormone (GH), Prolactin, Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ADCH), Luteininzing hormone (LH), Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), oxytocin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Antiduretic hormone (ADH) Estrogens, Progesterone Testosterone Melatonin Table 1: Endocrine glands and the hormones produced by them (Source: Kovacs and Ojeda, 2012, p. 24) The pituitary gland is the master gland as its hormones influence the actions of most of the other glands and organs of the body. GH helps in growth of children and maintaining healthy bone mass and muscle of adults. Prolactin stimulates milk production in women. ADCH aids in stress reduction by promoting cortisol production and maintains blood pressure. TSH assists in healthy metabolism by regulating body thyroid. LH performs estrogen regulation in women and testosterone regulation in men. FSH stimulates egg release in women and normal sperm functioning in men. Oxytocin promotes milk flow in mothers and initiate timely contractions in pregnancy. ADH or vasopressin aids in water regulation in body (Hormone.org, 2015). The T3 hormone assists in digestive and heart functions, bodys metabolic rate, bone maintenance, muscle control and brain development. The T4 affects protein synthesis, neural maturation and increase body sensitivity to catecholamines as adrenaline. Vitamin metabolism depicts effect of T4. The PTH regulates serum calcium, serum phosphate and vitamin D synthesis. The aldosterone hormone acts in regulating blood pressure. It also influences neurogenesis positively through mineralocorticoid receptors. Isaacs (2012) emphasized on the prime role of cortisol in maintaining homeostasis. It increases blood sugar levels through glucogenesis ad suppress immune system thereby aiding in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and decrease in bone formation. Cortisol stimulates gluconeogenesis in fasting state initially and terminally stimulates glycogenesis.Adrenalin and non-adrenalin act as chemical mediators convey nerve impulses to effectors organs. It has a bronchodilation effect on organs lacking direct sympathetic innervations. The non-adrenaline increase rate of heart contractions, affect brain portions controlling attention and responses. It is the flight-or-fight hormone triggering glucose release and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscle (Kovacs and Ojeda, 2012). Melatonin is an animal hormone regulating blood pressure, seasonal reproduction and sleep timing. The insulin and glucagon maintains blood glucose level. Glucagon stimulates glycogenolysis and insulin stimulates glycogenesis thus acting together to maintain constant glucose level in blood. The estrogen assists in growth and development in women. Progesterone helps in implantation of fertilized egg supporting healthy pregnancy. Testosterone aids in maintenance of stamina, muscle mass and strength supporting bone density, libido, memory and well-being in men. Role of bloodstream in the endocrine process: The glands of the endocrine system release their hormone secretion directly into the bloodstream inside body. The major functions of the endocrine system involving regulation of several essential metabolic and other body activities takes place through the hormones. Kholadava and Bourko (2014) highlight the importance of the bloodstream as it assist in carrying the hormone from their point of secretion to the point of action. The glands of the endocrine system works by selecting and removing the relevant materials from blood, processing these materials and secreting the final product at the appropriate place to act in the body.The bloodstream plays a very important role in proper functioning of the endocrine system in context of transportation of the released hormone to relevant place of action. The plasma of blood assists in the maintenance of the endocrine hormones at the necessary levels while reaching the organs or site of action (Cutillo, 2012). Role of target cells and relation between cell membrane structure and protein receptors: The target cells are the vital components of the endocrine system on which the specific hormones released by the endocrine glands work. As asserted by Isaacs (2012), the presence of the specific receptors on the target cells enable the cell to recognize the hormone and attach to it to allow its function on the cell. The proteins and peptides of the receptor structure depict water solubility thus preventing diffusion across the hydrophobic lipid cell membranes leaving the receptors extracellular to couple with the intracellular signal transducing molecules through cell membrane traversion. Cutillo (2012) highlights the receptor dimerisation with adjacent receptor on binding of hormone or growth factor to the extracellular domain. Most protein and peptide hormone depicts G-protein linked receptors with short extracellular amino terminal domain or longer extracellular domain. The membrane ion channels activation occurs through intracellular trimeric G-protein dissociation through extracellular hormone-receptor interactions (Saenger and Haucke, 2012). Conclusion: The current study thus reveals the high significance of the endocrine system glands and their hormones. The major glands and the role of the hormones secreted by the glands are highlighted. It is clear that the bloodstream plays a significant role in transporting the hormones to the relevant sites of action. The structure of the cell membrane and their interaction with the protein receptor across the target cells is clearly depicted through this study. Thus, the endocrine glands and the hormones emerge as highly essential in maintaining and regulating the vital body processes. References Bordbar, M., Taj-aldini, R., Karamizadeh, Z., Haghpanah, S., Karimi, M. and Omrani, G. (2012). Thyroid function and stress hormones in children with stress hyperglycemia. Endocrine, 42(3), pp.653-657. Cutillo, D. (2012). The hormone "shift". Bloomington, IN: Balboa Press Goodman, H. (2009). Basic medical endocrinology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Hormone.org, (2015). What is the Function of Endocrine Glands Types Of Hormones Released?. [online] Available at: https://www.hormone.org/hormones-and-health/the-endocrine-system/endocrine-glands-and-types-of-hormones [Accessed 12 Apr. 2015]. Isaacs, S. (2012). Hormonal balance. Chicago: Bull Publishing Company. Kholadava, A. and Bourko, I. (2014). Teaching system of self-control in endocrinology. EJEA. Koch, C. and Chrousos, G. (2012). Endocrine hypertension. New York: Humana Press. Kovacs, W. and Ojeda, S. (2012). Textbook of endocrine physiology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Rogers, K. (2012). The endocrine system. New York: Britannica Educational Pub. in association with Rosen Educational Services. Saenger, W. and Haucke, V. (2012). Structure and function of membrane-integral receptors.European Journal of Cell Biology, 91(4), p.225. Yongtao, Z., Kunzheng, W., Jingjing, Z., Hu, S., Jianqiang, K., Ruiyu, L. and Chunsheng, W. (2014). Glucocorticoids activate the local reninangiotensin system in bone: possible mechanism for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Endocrine, 47(2), pp.598-608.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management Essay Example

Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management Essay An essay on proper money management is a type of academic assignment, which concentrates on the discussion of the main ways and strategies allowing to manage one’s finances wisely. It is an essay issue related to the life of every person living in today’s society. Funds help to enhance our lives with comfort and goods, which are necessary for our daily life. However, it is essential to learn, how to dispense all the spending correctly as well as masters its wise regulation to avoid getting trapped into debts. Otherwise, the situation may become critical, and we will have to face that family lack funds and The possibility of such problems make us think about the future and spend incomes properly. It is possible to elaborate the strategies and effective fund managing techniques that work personally for you or consult funds plan example. Teachers and professors from colleges and universities demand from their student preparation of essay on proper money management with the aim to examine their knowledge. They intend to evaluate, how well a person perceived a course and assess one’s critical thinking and writing skills. Professors and teacher want to stimulate and raise students awareness about the issues connected to the financial aspect of life. Planning independent budget, assessing of one’s life income, manage the use of funds, actually investing possibilities and school financial education are the most popular topics for this type of academic papers. In goods age, it is impossible to avoid facing this issue. It is highly essential to be able to plan one’s budget wisely and divide all the spending optimally. This type of academic paper will help the writer to discover news effective ways of using funds. How to write an essay on proper money management? We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To deliver any academic assignment a person has to go through the main writing stages that will secure the creation of a sense-loaded paper. Sticking to the established algorithm gives an opportunity to prepare a coherent and cohesive piece of info, which is relevant to the topic and comprises materials that are interesting for a target reader. That is why, before approaching the writing process, a student working on the creation of an essay on proper money management. The writing process of this assignment occupies three stages the preparation, the writing phase, and editing phase. Each of these comprises some procedures. In the phase of preparation, one should also pick the theme and decide on a catchy formulation of the topic. Next, the task of the author is to collect all the informational materials, scientific and statistical data as well as facts that may be handy during the writing process. It is better to consult the resources that are in the reference lists. After that, a student needs to decide on the structure of a future text and compile an outline. It is a plan of a document that allows to order the info logically and avoid the mess. It will serve as a framework for future writing. The writing phase presupposes the expansion of a framework prepared beforehand. What is more, the task of a student is to enhance to plan by adding real-life examples and materials gathered in the pre-writing stage. The last phase presupposes the editing and polishing of the paper. The author needs to eliminate all the lexical and grammar errors as well as take care of the originality of an article. The most effective way to polish your academic assignment is to consult the online tools. The structure of an essay on proper money management The essay on proper money management should be coherent, cohesive and comprise the materials, which are relevant to the topic and present answers to the main questions. The factors that directly influence the sense loading of a paper is its appropriate structuring. According to the academic standards of structure, this kind of academic assignment has to comprise the introductory part, main body, and a conclusion. Each of these sense-sections should include a certain portion of info. An introduction is an opening part of the writing. It is the first info after the title that the target reader sees. Also it should be written effectively and grab the attention of a reader. It should familiarize the person with the given topic as well. The intro should include a hook sentence, background statement, and a thesis. Hook sentence should attract the audience. Background statement gives the insight into a subject, and a thesis expresses the position of the author. Central body part should be connected to the thesis. Its purpose is to enhance the position of the author. A task of a writer is to provide some supporting arguments allowing making the text more informative and persuasive. One has to take care so that these arguments are relative to the topic. Bright examples should follow every argument. It will make the text more credible and exciting for a reader. The last section is the conclusion. It should sum up the main points discussed in the text as well as refer to a thesis. A prolific strategy will be to paraphrase the thesis and once more defend the position of the author. An ending should have a positive mood. Order essay on proper money management on paperap.com Students of colleges and universities have a long list of assignments, which they should perform and hand in time. As is often the case, all members of higher educational institutions are too overloaded with the task. It does not allow them to concentrate on a particular task and perform it correctly. The delivery of an essay on proper money management is a serious and time-consuming process that requires a responsible attitude and full dedication. Those who lack the time or writing experience tend to look for service, where they can get qualified help. paperap.com is perfect assistance in such situations! paperap.com is a modern and reputable assignment delivery service, whose specialists can prepare a paper of any type and level of complexity. 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