Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Different Aspects of Conflict in a Selection of Four...

The Different Aspects of Conflict in a Selection of Four War Poems Many poems have been witnessed throughout history that show different views on war and the glory and sacrifices made. Everyone was affected, from the men in the front lines to women and children working back at home. Men involved in the war effort often wrote poems to record their thoughts and feelings, or simply to pass the time. Poetry was an outlet through which they could express great depth of meaning by condensing it into a few words. In this assignment I am going to write about the war poems entitled ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, a poem written in 1854 by Lord Alfred Tennyson, ‘Dulce et Decorum est’, a poem†¦show more content†¦England is personified as being a mother. Brooke’s message in this poem is that if he should die, the place of his death will be made richer by his body. The body will carry these English blessings, passing them onto the ground on which it lies. Brooke writes his own epigraph and shows a moving sense of the poet’s deep love of England and it’s people. The poet feels he can influence the thoughts of those left behind, with this he will try to cement the continuation of those qualities that he thinks of as being essentially English. Brooke has transformed the poem into a sonnet, not addressed to a loved one but to his country. In this poem the moods of the first few months of the war are summed up. Despite the subject matter there is a sort of serenity in the poem, even the words ‘If I should die’ suggests that he expects to survive. The reality of the horror had still to be discovered. This poem mirrors the sentiments expressed in The Charge of the Light Brigade . This event took place in 1854 and is still remembered as one of the most famous triumphs in British history. The truth is that Lord Cardigan suicidally led his troops IntoShow MoreRelatedEssay on Victorian Age1258 Words   |  6 Pagesproduced a variety of changes. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Endocrine System Management Free Samples-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Describe the role of the main harmones and name the Endocrine Glands that produce them? Answer: Introduction: This study deals with the essential aspects of the endocrine system. As stated by Rogers (2012), a collection of glands producing hormones to regulate metabolism, development, growth, reproduction, tissue function, sleep, mood and sexual function constitute the endocrine system. Through this assignment, the role of the hormones, bloodstream and target cells in relation to cell membrane structure and protein receptors are highlighted to have a clear insight on the working of the endocrine system. Role of main hormones and the glands that produce them: The endocrine system is composed of several glands secreting relevant chemicals and hormones assisting the body to cope with the different levels of stress and events it encounters. Koch and Chrousos (2012) identified the major glands constituting the endocrine system as the Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland, Adrenal gland, Pancreas, Pituitary gland, Ovaries (in females) and Testes (in males). The relevant hormones they produce are: Glands Hormones Hormones Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal gland Pancreas Pituitary gland Ovaries Testes Pineal gland Thyroid hormone (TH) as Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3), Parathyroid hormone (PTH) as Aldosterone, cortisol, adrenaline and non-adrenaline Insulin, glucagon Growth hormone (GH), Prolactin, Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ADCH), Luteininzing hormone (LH), Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), oxytocin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Antiduretic hormone (ADH) Estrogens, Progesterone Testosterone Melatonin Table 1: Endocrine glands and the hormones produced by them (Source: Kovacs and Ojeda, 2012, p. 24) The pituitary gland is the master gland as its hormones influence the actions of most of the other glands and organs of the body. GH helps in growth of children and maintaining healthy bone mass and muscle of adults. Prolactin stimulates milk production in women. ADCH aids in stress reduction by promoting cortisol production and maintains blood pressure. TSH assists in healthy metabolism by regulating body thyroid. LH performs estrogen regulation in women and testosterone regulation in men. FSH stimulates egg release in women and normal sperm functioning in men. Oxytocin promotes milk flow in mothers and initiate timely contractions in pregnancy. ADH or vasopressin aids in water regulation in body (Hormone.org, 2015). The T3 hormone assists in digestive and heart functions, bodys metabolic rate, bone maintenance, muscle control and brain development. The T4 affects protein synthesis, neural maturation and increase body sensitivity to catecholamines as adrenaline. Vitamin metabolism depicts effect of T4. The PTH regulates serum calcium, serum phosphate and vitamin D synthesis. The aldosterone hormone acts in regulating blood pressure. It also influences neurogenesis positively through mineralocorticoid receptors. Isaacs (2012) emphasized on the prime role of cortisol in maintaining homeostasis. It increases blood sugar levels through glucogenesis ad suppress immune system thereby aiding in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and decrease in bone formation. Cortisol stimulates gluconeogenesis in fasting state initially and terminally stimulates glycogenesis.Adrenalin and non-adrenalin act as chemical mediators convey nerve impulses to effectors organs. It has a bronchodilation effect on organs lacking direct sympathetic innervations. The non-adrenaline increase rate of heart contractions, affect brain portions controlling attention and responses. It is the flight-or-fight hormone triggering glucose release and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscle (Kovacs and Ojeda, 2012). Melatonin is an animal hormone regulating blood pressure, seasonal reproduction and sleep timing. The insulin and glucagon maintains blood glucose level. Glucagon stimulates glycogenolysis and insulin stimulates glycogenesis thus acting together to maintain constant glucose level in blood. The estrogen assists in growth and development in women. Progesterone helps in implantation of fertilized egg supporting healthy pregnancy. Testosterone aids in maintenance of stamina, muscle mass and strength supporting bone density, libido, memory and well-being in men. Role of bloodstream in the endocrine process: The glands of the endocrine system release their hormone secretion directly into the bloodstream inside body. The major functions of the endocrine system involving regulation of several essential metabolic and other body activities takes place through the hormones. Kholadava and Bourko (2014) highlight the importance of the bloodstream as it assist in carrying the hormone from their point of secretion to the point of action. The glands of the endocrine system works by selecting and removing the relevant materials from blood, processing these materials and secreting the final product at the appropriate place to act in the body.The bloodstream plays a very important role in proper functioning of the endocrine system in context of transportation of the released hormone to relevant place of action. The plasma of blood assists in the maintenance of the endocrine hormones at the necessary levels while reaching the organs or site of action (Cutillo, 2012). Role of target cells and relation between cell membrane structure and protein receptors: The target cells are the vital components of the endocrine system on which the specific hormones released by the endocrine glands work. As asserted by Isaacs (2012), the presence of the specific receptors on the target cells enable the cell to recognize the hormone and attach to it to allow its function on the cell. The proteins and peptides of the receptor structure depict water solubility thus preventing diffusion across the hydrophobic lipid cell membranes leaving the receptors extracellular to couple with the intracellular signal transducing molecules through cell membrane traversion. Cutillo (2012) highlights the receptor dimerisation with adjacent receptor on binding of hormone or growth factor to the extracellular domain. Most protein and peptide hormone depicts G-protein linked receptors with short extracellular amino terminal domain or longer extracellular domain. The membrane ion channels activation occurs through intracellular trimeric G-protein dissociation through extracellular hormone-receptor interactions (Saenger and Haucke, 2012). Conclusion: The current study thus reveals the high significance of the endocrine system glands and their hormones. The major glands and the role of the hormones secreted by the glands are highlighted. It is clear that the bloodstream plays a significant role in transporting the hormones to the relevant sites of action. The structure of the cell membrane and their interaction with the protein receptor across the target cells is clearly depicted through this study. Thus, the endocrine glands and the hormones emerge as highly essential in maintaining and regulating the vital body processes. References Bordbar, M., Taj-aldini, R., Karamizadeh, Z., Haghpanah, S., Karimi, M. and Omrani, G. (2012). Thyroid function and stress hormones in children with stress hyperglycemia. Endocrine, 42(3), pp.653-657. Cutillo, D. (2012). The hormone "shift". Bloomington, IN: Balboa Press Goodman, H. (2009). Basic medical endocrinology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Hormone.org, (2015). What is the Function of Endocrine Glands Types Of Hormones Released?. [online] Available at: https://www.hormone.org/hormones-and-health/the-endocrine-system/endocrine-glands-and-types-of-hormones [Accessed 12 Apr. 2015]. Isaacs, S. (2012). Hormonal balance. Chicago: Bull Publishing Company. Kholadava, A. and Bourko, I. (2014). Teaching system of self-control in endocrinology. EJEA. Koch, C. and Chrousos, G. (2012). Endocrine hypertension. New York: Humana Press. Kovacs, W. and Ojeda, S. (2012). Textbook of endocrine physiology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Rogers, K. (2012). The endocrine system. New York: Britannica Educational Pub. in association with Rosen Educational Services. Saenger, W. and Haucke, V. (2012). Structure and function of membrane-integral receptors.European Journal of Cell Biology, 91(4), p.225. Yongtao, Z., Kunzheng, W., Jingjing, Z., Hu, S., Jianqiang, K., Ruiyu, L. and Chunsheng, W. (2014). Glucocorticoids activate the local reninangiotensin system in bone: possible mechanism for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Endocrine, 47(2), pp.598-608.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management Essay Example

Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management Essay An essay on proper money management is a type of academic assignment, which concentrates on the discussion of the main ways and strategies allowing to manage one’s finances wisely. It is an essay issue related to the life of every person living in today’s society. Funds help to enhance our lives with comfort and goods, which are necessary for our daily life. However, it is essential to learn, how to dispense all the spending correctly as well as masters its wise regulation to avoid getting trapped into debts. Otherwise, the situation may become critical, and we will have to face that family lack funds and The possibility of such problems make us think about the future and spend incomes properly. It is possible to elaborate the strategies and effective fund managing techniques that work personally for you or consult funds plan example. Teachers and professors from colleges and universities demand from their student preparation of essay on proper money management with the aim to examine their knowledge. They intend to evaluate, how well a person perceived a course and assess one’s critical thinking and writing skills. Professors and teacher want to stimulate and raise students awareness about the issues connected to the financial aspect of life. Planning independent budget, assessing of one’s life income, manage the use of funds, actually investing possibilities and school financial education are the most popular topics for this type of academic papers. In goods age, it is impossible to avoid facing this issue. It is highly essential to be able to plan one’s budget wisely and divide all the spending optimally. This type of academic paper will help the writer to discover news effective ways of using funds. How to write an essay on proper money management? We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Tips Helping to Writer Essay on Proper Money Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To deliver any academic assignment a person has to go through the main writing stages that will secure the creation of a sense-loaded paper. Sticking to the established algorithm gives an opportunity to prepare a coherent and cohesive piece of info, which is relevant to the topic and comprises materials that are interesting for a target reader. That is why, before approaching the writing process, a student working on the creation of an essay on proper money management. The writing process of this assignment occupies three stages the preparation, the writing phase, and editing phase. Each of these comprises some procedures. In the phase of preparation, one should also pick the theme and decide on a catchy formulation of the topic. Next, the task of the author is to collect all the informational materials, scientific and statistical data as well as facts that may be handy during the writing process. It is better to consult the resources that are in the reference lists. After that, a student needs to decide on the structure of a future text and compile an outline. It is a plan of a document that allows to order the info logically and avoid the mess. It will serve as a framework for future writing. The writing phase presupposes the expansion of a framework prepared beforehand. What is more, the task of a student is to enhance to plan by adding real-life examples and materials gathered in the pre-writing stage. The last phase presupposes the editing and polishing of the paper. The author needs to eliminate all the lexical and grammar errors as well as take care of the originality of an article. The most effective way to polish your academic assignment is to consult the online tools. The structure of an essay on proper money management The essay on proper money management should be coherent, cohesive and comprise the materials, which are relevant to the topic and present answers to the main questions. The factors that directly influence the sense loading of a paper is its appropriate structuring. According to the academic standards of structure, this kind of academic assignment has to comprise the introductory part, main body, and a conclusion. Each of these sense-sections should include a certain portion of info. An introduction is an opening part of the writing. It is the first info after the title that the target reader sees. Also it should be written effectively and grab the attention of a reader. It should familiarize the person with the given topic as well. The intro should include a hook sentence, background statement, and a thesis. Hook sentence should attract the audience. Background statement gives the insight into a subject, and a thesis expresses the position of the author. Central body part should be connected to the thesis. Its purpose is to enhance the position of the author. A task of a writer is to provide some supporting arguments allowing making the text more informative and persuasive. One has to take care so that these arguments are relative to the topic. Bright examples should follow every argument. It will make the text more credible and exciting for a reader. The last section is the conclusion. It should sum up the main points discussed in the text as well as refer to a thesis. A prolific strategy will be to paraphrase the thesis and once more defend the position of the author. An ending should have a positive mood. Order essay on proper money management on paperap.com Students of colleges and universities have a long list of assignments, which they should perform and hand in time. As is often the case, all members of higher educational institutions are too overloaded with the task. It does not allow them to concentrate on a particular task and perform it correctly. The delivery of an essay on proper money management is a serious and time-consuming process that requires a responsible attitude and full dedication. Those who lack the time or writing experience tend to look for service, where they can get qualified help. paperap.com is perfect assistance in such situations! paperap.com is a modern and reputable assignment delivery service, whose specialists can prepare a paper of any type and level of complexity. You can easily find us by googling â€Å"make an essay for me† or â€Å"write my essay for me.† Our specialists will quickly respond to your request and do their best to satisfy all your demands. To get the essay on proper money management in our service you need to google â€Å"write my college essay or â€Å"write my essay fast† and fill in the ordering form. A student needs to insert the title and type of a paper. It is also necessary to mention the main demands and add the list of references. It is also required to insert the number of pages and set the deadline. The last step demands to make payment. After that, we launch the preparation process. The team of an advanced and experienced writer will create the best quality assignment for you. All you need to do is contact us and make an order. Type write my essay online and get your paper within the shortest terms on paperap.com!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Theory of Knowledge Essays

Theory of Knowledge Essays Theory of Knowledge Essay Theory of Knowledge Essay Everyone from all society is related to a belief, to God or others that is believed to have higher power than humans. This technically means that everyone was born believing the existence of afterlife or superiors. I will focus this presentation on the existence of God as the Creator, and the judge on our afterlife. Humans have a unique ability to pass knowledge down to the next generation; it is a very important skill for an advancement of life, and technology. For example we dont have to test how acid can burn the skin off because it has become a knowledge passed by an authority. Biases in approach to knowledge: We live in the world that is biased in approaching to the knowledge by conviction, such as religions and beliefs. I am hat no one in this world can claim that they are skeptics and atheists to the bone. They would have doubt about the existence of God, what will happen afterlife and I am infact almost certain that if there is a plane filled with the most well known skeptics and atheists, and the plane is crashing down these people would shout out, God, Help us etc. This happens because we live in the world that has obligation, ideals and a strong belief that God do exist. This then is passed to us in our early days and we subconsciously believe and graciously accepted these beliefs. Our brain works and memorizes at almost all the time, In our head we can easily produce an image of an angel, a handsome or a really pretty girl inside a brilliant white robe surrounded by magnificent light. But in this world, who has ever seen an angel in their life? This is a simple example on how we have been influenced without us noticing. If angels do exist and they happen to be an old lady with a broomstick then maybe we have burnt a couple of them in the past. And if witches do rest with a pretty face and keep wearing a white clothing rather than being gothic chances are we will praise them as an angel. Possible Uncertainties: Religions and beliefs are also passed down from generation to generation, there are a lot of beliefs in this world most of these spiritual beliefs rested on an unstable foundation which is shaking as our race advance even further. All these spiritual beliefs have the same reasoning, the same pattern! Because I personally believe that these religions and beliefs are all attempts on explaining of what is going on around the civilization at the time. These attempts are usually written, and used as a guidance on how to lead a proper life at the time. This written explanation and thesis are then classified as the holy book for the religion. The Bible for the Christian, Al-Quran for the Moslems and some that is not named. Some of the common things found with these religions and spiritual beliefs are a legitimately higher power, a happy ending for believer, a bad ending for those who goes against it. If we use our logic for justification combined with empirical evidence it is clear that these beliefs are shortcuts in getting people to do the right thing! If you are a thief, you will go to hell, if you kill, you will go to hell, if you do bad things you will go to hell, on the other hand you be good you go to heaven! To even further attract believers. The term heaven is modified in a couple of way, in Christianity you get to see Jesus Christ and sit next to God, in the case of Vikings in heaven or what they call Valhalla, warriors that gets there will be able to fight all they want and kill however they please. Sounds like a terrible heaven yet attractive to these Vikings. I dont have any idea on what hell would be for the Vikings, perhaps it is a peaceful quiet place where there is no argument! As you can see heaven and hell is modified to an extent it is loved and hated by the civilization this is a simple yet valid proof that these spiritual beliefs are made for a purpose. These hypotheses on how the world was created has advance over time too. Let us see one of our oldest civilizations in the world and their beliefs. The aborigines have a less complex and a rather simple way of explaining how the world was created in comparison with Christians, Islamic and Jewish Orthodoxy way of explaining the creation of the world. This I believe is due to the fact that the level of knowledge has changed over the time. The faithful believers may say that they have proofs; I can recall that when I was still in my fifth grade, I argued with a priest and she told me all these miracles that God has done in the past, My best approach on this is that the people at biblical time have mistakenly regard natural phenomenon and disaster as Gods action. The Chinese sacrifice children to save their village from angry demons or God, The Mayans sacrifice to please the God, or as a thanksgiving. Another set of evidence can also derive from the Noahs arc which is believed by the Jewish, the Moslems and the Christians. The Chinese and Greeks have a traditional folklore explaining such an event of big flood? This shows that a big flood did happen and all civilizations tried to explain it. Noahs journey could very well be true but of course the story in the bible is not true. Because the Chinese and the Greeks have lived it through, maybe the bibles saying on how the world was wiped out would be a truthful account for the Jewish civilizations. Enough with the empirical evidence, lets try the logical way of approaching this problem. In the bible almost at a constant time God interfere and show his greatness through his miracles and curses but I have never stopped wondering why a world with 6 Billions population and a communication and media capability such as today do not have reports on miracles nor curses? Limitation of Knowledge: With these faith and beliefs in our society our it slows down the society to improve to the next level. Beliefs and faith into a prehistoric time hypothesis has been an obstacle into advancement of knowledge. Especially noting that these hypotheses came with a threat of eternal torture and pain. The believers would tend to take everything for granted, they will lose their sense of curiosity, and they stop looking for imperfections, the causes because they believe to an extent where they readily say the term know This close-minded approach has destroyed and limits our advancement of knowledge. In some cases truths are denied and hypotheses are seen as a controversy or as an insult to God or the beliefs. In the old Europe Religions have final authority in science, for centuries Europeans believed that the earth was the center of the universe and the Sun revolved around it, this is based on Aristotle finding that is approved by the belief of that civilization. Copernicus found a more truthful planetary structure of our solar system but he has avoided controversy and expose his findings on his deathbed. Galilei supports this thesis as a factual, and caused investigation by the Inquisition. It is almost 250 years later, in the 1850s that another big opposition by science on religion comes out, this is when Charles Darwin brought in his Theory of evolution. And when we think that the resistance by beliefs and religions has stopped, in 1925 a court case was brought up against John T. Scopes a biology teacher that wanted to teach Darwins theory of evolution, Scopes lost the case and was fined $100 his last words were quoted as follow. Today it is the public-school teachers, tomorrow the private, the next day the preachers and the lecturers, the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, Your Honour it is the setting of a man against man and creed against creed until with flying banners and beating drums, we are marching backward to the glorious ages of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted fagots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind. Our perception has been shaped since we were young, and has developed within a society that has strong belief of existence of God. It is very hard to change, and even if we can change our perception and beliefs, it takes time and to completely wipe off these spiritual beliefs from our world will take generations and generations. Religions, spiritual beliefs, they have made mistakes, and they will make mistakes again the biggest questions that arise from this is Do we still have to believe it? When will we stop believing it? Only time will answer this question, even though I will not be able to live to see it, I am sure we will one day become a society that justify with logic, and empirical evidence! I am certain that we will be able to be perfect rationalists and live in harmony.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Vocabulary Tips Is Data Singular or Plural

Vocabulary Tips Is Data Singular or Plural Vocabulary Tips: Is Data Singular or Plural? In the grammarian community, there are some who will tip over a table and storm out of the room if anyone dares to combine the word â€Å"data† with a singular verb in their presence: e.g., â€Å"The data is conclusive: Many pedants have severe anger issues.† They’d probably also object to the singular â€Å"their.†(Image: CURavensLog/YouTube) Are these people overreacting? Yes, of course they are. But do they have a point regardless? Should we be using â€Å"data† as a plural noun? And, if so, what is the singular version? Datum and Data Traditionally, â€Å"data† was a plural. The singular form (i.e., the word for a single fact or piece of information) was â€Å"datum.† As such, we might say something like the following: This datum is not significant in itself, but the combined data are hard to deny. In this sentence, â€Å"datum† clearly refers to a single piece of information, with â€Å"data† reserved for a collection of facts. This is important when it comes to subject-verb agreement, so the singular â€Å"data† is paired with the singular verb â€Å"is,† while â€Å"data† is followed by the plural verb â€Å"are.† Data as a Mass Noun Over time, however, usage of â€Å"data† has changed. Thus, it is now commonly used as a mass noun (otherwise known as an uncountable or non-count noun). This means that although â€Å"data† still refers to a collection of facts, it is treated as singular for grammatical purposes: Information was collected from hundreds of respondents, so the data is very persuasive. Consequently, â€Å"data† is now essentially a synonym for â€Å"information,† another mass noun that refers to a collection of facts or a large amount of evidence. â€Å"Data is† or â€Å"Data are†? Most of the time, even in academic writing, â€Å"data† is now used as a mass noun, so it should be combined with singular verbs. This would mean that â€Å"data is† is usually correct. However, in some fields â€Å"data are† is still considered technically correct unless you’re referring to a single fact, in which case â€Å"datum† should be used instead. As such, it’s a good idea to check your school’s style guide on this issue. If it doesn’t provide specific instructions, the singular â€Å"data† is probably fine. But you could always check with your professor to see if he or she has a preference if you want to be absolutely sure!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Five Advertisements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Five Advertisements - Essay Example Some of the mass media channels used for advertising include newspaper, television stations, radio advertisement, newspaper, outdoor advertising, or new media such direct mail, text massages, or website. Not all advertisements are aimed at promoting sales; others are geared at keeping customers informed of availability of certain products in the market. Some of the advertisement that gives no reasons for purchasing the products includes advertising to profession or business, institution advertising, pioneering advertising, Obtrusive advertising, competitive advertising, and remainder advertising. This form of advertising targets professionals and resellers. The media type that is mandated to carry out this form uses professional magazines or directly mails the customers. The ads herein do not aim at influencing customers directly and the products presented for advertisement are not to be bought by final users. For instance, a company-advising mortgage for the developers has nothing to do with customers or the end users. In other words, the advisement does not target the final customers. The corporate ads form part of these ads. They often target stockholders, financial institutes, employees, government, and political leaders (Phillips & Rasberry 127). The main aim of institutional or corporate ads may be to boost or establish corporate image and identity, counter any negative attitude towards the company, to promote industry’s interest in relation to some potential social or public interests. The current Aditya Birla group campaign ads would fit into this category. This type of advertisement tries to create a selective demand; that is the demand of a specific manufacture’s product as opposed to product category. The major companies that are involved or seek this form of advertisement are innovating companies who are ever forced to show the customer the evolution the company’s product. For

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

International Marketing - Essay Example l have to make decisions based on the interests of its customers, governments, employees and other key partners in the different markets it will operate in. There are various operational actions that will vary with particular business environments that need to be taken into consideration. Differentiation of products or services offered by the company will therefore have to follow highly integrative guidelines for the success of its operations. For instance, Ooredoo is a communication company and therefore it will have to take into account the various communication habits of the different countries it intends to establish itself. The company will also have to be aware of legal provisions that are aligned to ethics which may be varying. Recognition of the mentioned and many more will enable the organization effectively strategize on its expansion plans. Secondly, the belief system of various countries may have an impact on the business strategy. The company will have to incorporate the various moral values and principles into its business culture according to the needs of the customers and society it will operate in. For instance, honesty, integrity and trust may be some of the varied values that may be differently preferred to by various customers according to their country of origin’s belief system. As a result of the beliefs, there might be consequences the company will have to face in the different regions of operations. The cultures of communities have a potential of pushing businesses to align to their demands. Same is the social components that have a connection with ethical concerns. Different countries, for instance, have consumer lobby groups that may demand for certain ethical standards to be met by companies. An organization like Ooredoo will therefore have... This paper stresses that factors in international trade are also important to the expansion planning process. The company will, for instance, have to take note of the various restrictions or economic barriers that exist in the target markets. For business to operate effectively, it will be important for the company’s management to examine the socio-cultural influences on product consumption and the values that are attached to service in the respective regions. Lastly, given the challenges of globalization noted above, the strategic positioning of the company with regards to different market issues will be important. The company will have to engage in product differentiation and market segmentation strategies, for example, so as to penetrate different markets. This paper makes a conclusion that ethical and globalization concerns raised above are therefore significant for the success of Ooredoo’s internationalization plans. The company will have to involve its research and design department to ensure that all the issues are well understood before management arrives at viable projects. With the opportunities presented by globalization and market liberalization, it is evident that so long as the company will be able to understand and act on different ethical and global perspective concerns, success will be more than guaranteed. As a leader in the provision of communication products, it is important that it maintains this position even in the identified international markets.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Cost of College Essay Example for Free

The Cost of College Essay The cost to attend college is high, and has been rising for many years. The cost of college is too high, a lot of people can’t afford it, and unemployment rates are sky high. Why is the cost of college so much? The best answer would be our economy. Our economy has a great effect on the rising prices of everything, including college tuition. Another factor influencing the price of college is the demand for a higher education, for a well-paying job is more than ever. The problem of the cost of college right now is that many people can’t afford to go to college, and it puts them in debt even though it may be worth it. Works Cited Adams, Caralee J. Mid-Income Students Incur Higher Debt. Education Week 29 August 2012. English, Ed. Cap In Hand: The High Price Of Higher Education: A College Degree Has Become An Indispensable Credential In Today’s Workforce. But With The Cost Of Postsecondary Education Soaring, A Degree Is Also Slipping Out Of Reach For More People. What’s Behind Tuition Inflation, And Can Its Trajectory Be Altered? EconSouth 2011: 6. Luhby, Tami. Is College Worth It? Careers and Colleges November 2000. ? Articles about College Tuition: The cost of college is rising, and has been rising for many years. Even though the prices can be more or less depending on what state the college is in, what degree students plan on getting, and what type of college students go to, the costs are still very high. At a private four-year college the total cost would be over $40,000. At a public four-year college the cost would be more than $20,000. The cost to attend a two-year college would be more than $14,000. Most jobs require employees to have some sort of degree. Even though the prices keep rising, more and more people are going to college to get a better education, so they can get a well-paying job (English). Another issue with the high costs of college is the debt that comes along with it. Sure, some people get scholarships, and others have the money they need, but some people don’t. The people that don’t have enough money or don’t get a scholarship that want or need to go to college have to borrow the money. Borrowing these large amounts of money causes a lot of debt. Graduates can have thousands of dollars in debt. Debt can cause many problems all throughout life. Since most graduates cannot get a well-paying job right out of college, they have problems paying the high amounts of debt off (Adams). Others think that the cost of college should not be a problem because it is worth it. Going to college means that graduates will be able to get a better paying job than they could without a degree. Having a better job will eventually allow graduates to pay off loans and thrive in the real world. People who have a Doctorate or Professional degree earn between $120,000 and $150,000 per year. People who have a Masters or Bachelor’s degree earn between $80,000 and $95,000 per year. People with only a high school education only earn about $45,000, and people with less than a high school education only earn about $30,000. It is important to have a job that will pay enough to live a good life and even support a family. Even though the cost of a college education is ridiculously high, it is completely worth it. Getting a college education and having better job opportunities to get a well-paying job helps people in many ways throughout their lives (Luhby).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Ambitious Male in Macbeth :: Macbeth essays

The Ambitious Male in Macbeth      Ã‚   The tragedy Macbeth by William Shakespeare brings to center stage an interesting, guilty, ambitious usurper named Macbeth, on whose character this essay will focus.    Charles Lamb in On the Tragedies of Shakespeare explains the impact of Macbeth's initial murder:    The state of sublime emotion into which we are elevated by those images of night and horror which Macbeth is made to utter, that solemn prelude with which he entertains the time till the bell shall strike which is to call him to murder Duncan, - when we no longer read it in a book, when we have given up that vantage-ground of abstraction which reading possesses over seing, and come to see a man in his bodily shape before our eyes actually preparing to commit a muder, if the acting be true and impressive as I have witnessed it in Mr. K's performance of that part, the painful anxiety about the act, the natural longing to prevent it while it yet seems unperpetrated, the too close pressing semblance of reality,give a pain and an uneasiness [. . .]. (134)    In Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack shows how Macbeth complements his wife:    Her fall is instantaneous, even eager, like Eve's in Paradise Lost; his is gradual and reluctant, like Adam's. She needs only her husband's letter about the weyard sisters' prophecy to precipitate her resolve to kill Duncan. Within an instant she is inviting murderous spirits to unsex her, fill her with cruelty, thicken her blood, convert her mother's milk to gall, and darken the world "That my keen knife see not the wound it makes" (1.5.50). Macbeth, in contrast, vacillates. The images of the deed that possess him simultaneously repel him (1.3.130, 1.7.1) When she proposes Duncan's murder, he temporizes: "We will speak further" (1.5.69). (189)    Lily B. Campbell in her volume of criticism, Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion, explores the workings of Macbeth's mind as he plots the destruction of Banquo and son :    If the witches have spoken as truly to Banquo as to him, Macbeth sees that he wears a "fruitless crown" and carries a "barren sceptre" in his hand; he has indeed given peace and immortality to make the race of Banquo kings. And he proceeds to his interview with the murderers, plotting what he dare not do openly, for the fear that comes when we are rivals for a thing and cannot both have it makes it seem to Macbeth: The Ambitious Male in Macbeth :: Macbeth essays The Ambitious Male in Macbeth      Ã‚   The tragedy Macbeth by William Shakespeare brings to center stage an interesting, guilty, ambitious usurper named Macbeth, on whose character this essay will focus.    Charles Lamb in On the Tragedies of Shakespeare explains the impact of Macbeth's initial murder:    The state of sublime emotion into which we are elevated by those images of night and horror which Macbeth is made to utter, that solemn prelude with which he entertains the time till the bell shall strike which is to call him to murder Duncan, - when we no longer read it in a book, when we have given up that vantage-ground of abstraction which reading possesses over seing, and come to see a man in his bodily shape before our eyes actually preparing to commit a muder, if the acting be true and impressive as I have witnessed it in Mr. K's performance of that part, the painful anxiety about the act, the natural longing to prevent it while it yet seems unperpetrated, the too close pressing semblance of reality,give a pain and an uneasiness [. . .]. (134)    In Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack shows how Macbeth complements his wife:    Her fall is instantaneous, even eager, like Eve's in Paradise Lost; his is gradual and reluctant, like Adam's. She needs only her husband's letter about the weyard sisters' prophecy to precipitate her resolve to kill Duncan. Within an instant she is inviting murderous spirits to unsex her, fill her with cruelty, thicken her blood, convert her mother's milk to gall, and darken the world "That my keen knife see not the wound it makes" (1.5.50). Macbeth, in contrast, vacillates. The images of the deed that possess him simultaneously repel him (1.3.130, 1.7.1) When she proposes Duncan's murder, he temporizes: "We will speak further" (1.5.69). (189)    Lily B. Campbell in her volume of criticism, Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion, explores the workings of Macbeth's mind as he plots the destruction of Banquo and son :    If the witches have spoken as truly to Banquo as to him, Macbeth sees that he wears a "fruitless crown" and carries a "barren sceptre" in his hand; he has indeed given peace and immortality to make the race of Banquo kings. And he proceeds to his interview with the murderers, plotting what he dare not do openly, for the fear that comes when we are rivals for a thing and cannot both have it makes it seem to Macbeth:

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Word of Mouth and Brand Value in the Fast Food Industry

To check the speculations which were proposed in the above writing survey area, basic model was defined utilizing AMOS. The model requires that an arrangement of rule fit records ought to be accomplished in view of the prescribed esteems. Generally, the last basic model proposed a sufficient fit to the gathered information where the estimation of Chi-square (? ²) is equivalent to472.837 (p-esteem = 0.000). Other fit records likewise accomplished the base cut-off qualities (GFI = 0.836, AGFI = 0.817, CFI = 0.943, and RMSEA = 0.079). In view of the above aftereffects of paradigm esteems, one might say that the last auxiliary model has a solid match with the information of this investigation (Hair et al., 2010). Generally, the exhibited speculations were tried in view of the relapse table which was produced in view of the last basic model's yield. The discoveries exhibited in Table 1 demonstrate that verbal exchange has a huge positive association with mark picture (? = 0.794, t-esteem = 6.982, p ; 0.05), and therefore, H1 is acknowledged. H2 which expressed that verbal exchange has a noteworthy association with mark reliability is additionally acknowledged (? = 0.970, t-esteem = 8.240, p ; 0.05). Also, the outcomes demonstrated that verbal exchange has a huge association with mark inclination (? = 0.817, t-esteem = 10.340, p ; 0.05), in this way, H3 is upheld. This investigation additionally affirmed that verbal exchange has a noteworthy association with mark administration (? = 0.640, t-esteem = 6.438, p ; 0.05), along these lines, H4 is bolstered. At last, the outcomes uncovered that verbal exchange has a noteworthy association with mark value (? = 0.591, t-esteem = 6.863, p ; 0.05), thusly, H5 is upheld. When all is said in done, Word of mouth clarifies 32% of change in mark value. Table 1: Results of theories Hypothesized Effect Std. Beta S.E. C.R. P Support H1: Word of mouth has a huge association with mark picture. 0.794 0.065 6.982 *** Yes H2: Word of mouth has a huge association with mark dependability. 0.970 0.090 8.240 *** Yes H3: Word of mouth has a noteworthy association with mark inclination. 0.817 0.077 10.340 *** Yes H4: Word of mouth has a huge association with mark initiative. 0.640 0.067 6.438 *** Yes H5: Word of mouth has a noteworthy association with general brand value. 0.591 0.066 6.863 *** Yes 5. CONCLUSION The motivation behind this paper was to exactly inspect the connection between Word of mouth and brand value in the fast food eatery industry in Malaysia. The discoveries demonstrated that in accordance with past experimental examines (Armelini, 2011; Kassim and Abdullah, 2008; Murtiasih et al., 2013; Rezvani et al., 2012) Word of mouth has a critical positive association with mark dependability. Further, Ghorban and Tahernejad (2012) considered Word of mouth as a key showcasing factor which powerfully affects buyers' conduct and the choices that they shape amid acquiring process. The finding demonstrates that customers' steadfastness toward a brand increments through positive verbal suggestions from other people who had past encounters in utilizing the items or administrations of that brand. This demonstrates by getting constructive proposals from other individuals whom clients can believe, a higher level of certainty is probably going to be improved towards the brand. Such certainty is probably going to impact buyers' conduct and prompt positive repurchase aims. The discoveries of this paper additionally affirmed the huge positive connection between Word of mouth and brand picture. This finding is in accordance with past investigations which built up verbal exchange as a key factor that influences mark picture (Farooqui, 2015; Severi et al., 2014; Torlak et al., 2014; Y?ld?z, 2015). Moreover, Hoyer and MacInnis (2001) considered verbal exchange as a critical advertising factor that impacts mark notoriety. Cornelissen (2000) additionally embraced the commitment of Word of mouth to mark notoriety. Given this outcome, it can be presumed that brand picture Similarly as with any examination, there are a few impediments in this investigation that would open roads for additionally explores. Initially, the primary focal point of this paper is on the fast food eatery industry which may thwart the generalizability of the discoveries to different settings. In this way, future looks into ought to be coordinated to rethink the factors of this investigation in other industry settings. Furthermore, just Word of mouth was utilized to analyze its connection with mark value; subsequently, future explores should test different components, for example, advancement and feeling. Moreover, this investigation utilized overview instrument amid information gathering. Accordingly, future inquires about may embrace subjective philosophies to decide the key factors the can impact shoppers' recognitions in the fast food showcase. At last, this investigation was directed in east drift some portion of Malaysia, along these lines, future looks into may expand the extension by covering different zones with a specific end goal to have the capacity to improve conclusions.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How to Get Motivated Essay

Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It’s the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It’s the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you want, power through the pain period, and start being who you want to be. 5 Keys to Unlock Your Creative Motivation Motivation is a much more complex process than just â€Å"wanting† to do something. When you’re working on a creative project and the going gets tough, if you’re not motivated enough, you’ll quit. And it always gets tough, whether you’re a novelist, artist, musician, or even a creative entrepreneur. In my own research with highly experienced writers, I found that motivators are often combined for best effect. Here, then, are 5 ways to raise your motivation level: 1. Increase the challenge of your project. Try something you’ve never done before. When I interviewed bestselling novelist Diana Gabaldon, she told me that she once gave herself the challenge of writing a â€Å"triple-nested flashback.† For many of us, concocting an ordinary flashback is challenge enough, but those are a snap for her. 2. Change your creative method for the stimulation of a fresh approach. I f you typically write with an outline, try not to. Or begin writing without an ending in mind. If you never write with a plan, see what happens if you plan ahead. Even if it doesn’t work, you’ll learn something. Here’s Wells Tower, author of a volume of short stories, Everything Ravaged Everything Burned: I can never coldly write a story; it doesn’t work. I’ve tried it where I have an outline, and I’ll think this is going to be so easy, but when I sit down of course it’s not. You have to get into a state of autohypnosis and let the story be what it wants to be. 3. Create from a different point of view. Do you always write in first-person? Do you never write in first-person point of view? Try the opposite. Or create something artistic from the point of view of the bicycle, or the car, or the dog or cat, or the new immigrant or the alien from outer space. 4. Look deeper to find your intrinsic motivation. Here’s how poet Ralph Angel put it: As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve learned in recent years that writing, even more than some of the most important relationships in my life, is where I am most in touch with myself, and, worst case scenario, people I love die and my life goes on. But if anything took me away from the work, I would be separated somehow from myself. 5. Forget about the goal and find the fun. This is the most crucial key to entering flow. Put all thought of audience aside for the time being and find something pleasurable about what you’re trying to create. If it’s not fun, figure out why not and make it more engaging for yourself. There’s nothing trivial about fun, as I’ve found in my talks with great creative individuals. It’s one of the many motivators that bring them back to the work they do, day in and day out. The 3 Biggest Myths About Motivation That Won’t Go Away Just Write Down Your Goals, and Success is Guaranteed! There is a story that motivational speakers/authors love to tell about the Yale Class of 1953.Researchers, so the story goes, asked graduating Yale seniors if they had specific goals they wanted to achieve in the future that they had written down. Twenty years later, the researchers found that the mere 3% of students who had specific, written goals were wealthier than the other 97% combined. Isn’t that amazing? It would be if it were true, which it isn’t. I wish it were that simple. To be fair, there is evidence that getting specific about what you want to achieve is really important. (Not a guaranteed road to fabulous wealth, but still important.) In other words, specificity is necessary, but it’s not nearly sufficient. Writing goals down is actually neither – it can’t hurt, but there’s also no hard evidence that writing per se does anything to help. Just Try to Do Your Best! Telling someone, or yourself, to just â€Å"do your best† is believed to be a great motivator. It isn’t. Theoretically, it encourages without putting on too much pressure. In reality, and rather ironically, it is more-or-less permission to be mediocre. Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, two renown organizational psychologists, have spent several decades studying the difference between â€Å"do your best† goals and their antithesis: specific and difficult goals. Evidence from more than 1,000 studies conducted by researchers across the globe shows that goals that not only spell out exactly what needs to be accomplished, but that also set the bar for achievement high, result in far superior performance than simply trying to â€Å"do your best.† That’s because more difficult goals cause you to, often unconsciously, increase your effort, focus and commitment to the goal, persist longer, and make better use of the most effective strategies. Just Visualize Succe ss! Advocates of â€Å"positive thinking† are particularly fond of this piece of advice. But visualizing success, particularly effortless success, is not just unhelpful – it’s a great way to set yourself up for failure. Few motivational gurus understand that there’s an awfully big difference between believing you will succeed, and believing you will succeed easily. Realistic optimists believe they will succeed, but also believe they have to make success happen – through things like effort, careful planning, persistence, and choosing the right strategies. They don’t shy away from thinking â€Å"negative† thoughts, like what obstacles will I face? and how will I deal with them? Unrealistic optimists, on the other hand, believe that success will happen to them, if they do lots and lots of visualizing. Recent research shows that this actually (and once again, ironically) serves to drain the very energy we need to reach our goals. People who sp end too much time fantasizing about the wonderful future that awaits them don’t have enough gas left in the tank to actually get there.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The man, the woman and the moon Professor Ramos Blog

The man, the woman and the moon Reading the short story â€Å"there was a man, there was a woman† I first initially thought the story centered around two people, a man, and woman, who were going through difficulties and drinking in hopes that they would have the courage to finally speak out on how they were feeling. However, when discussing it with my peers and professor, I came to realize it doesnt necessarily state what the man and woman were feeling or if at all they were going through the same thing. For example, the man could be drinking to finally open up about something hard going on in his life. And the woman could be drinking to finally open up that she has been doing really well lately, or vice versa. Considering the author, Sandra Cisneros, left out those details is all about interpretation, and made me really question, if she did that because she wanted us to see ourselves, whether we are going through a hard time, or a good time in our lives and how the characters reflect that on ourselves. It a lso seems very parallel with their lives, how they are going through the same thing, going to the bar every Friday but in different weeks on Fridays in hopes that the alcohol in their veins would spark and lead to them being brave enough to open up about their lives, but yet the alcohol never does its supposed job, but then why do they still come back is also a rising question of mine. Which goes back to the initial question of, what is it they want to open up about, and is the author trying to convey a message through her characters. I chose this story because of my interests of the characters, both the man and the woman, who are nameless, and only motioned with a direct way of calling them ‘the man’ or ‘the woman’. The theme is in all actuality a correlated pairing and opposite parallel multifunction. The opposites are that they are the opposite gender to each other and that they both come to the bar on different Fridays because of their paychecks. But they both come for the same reason, and on Fridays with friends. With that being said, I think it wouldnt be hard to guess that only one of hem was going through a hard time, and the other a good time. Or that both of them were going through a hard time. The reason for the estimated response to their behavior would be that whenever their paycheck came to be they would go to the bar, and drink until they thought they would open up, but never did. It seems like they drink a lot if they hope alcohol would be a way for them to open up but th ey never do, so it doesnt seem very impossible, it actually seems likely that they drink a lot. It says â€Å" The man drank and drank with his friends and believed if he drank and drank, the words for what he was feeling would slip out more readily, but usually he simply drank and said nothing.† and the same parallel statement with the woman. Backing that claim, whenever they got their paycheck they would head to the bar, as if the minute they could get alcohol, they would get it, without any thinking involved and head to the bar. It seems they might have a drinking problem and rely on drinks for their sense of trying to open up. I can interpret two outcomes of the ending of the story which I thought was quite fascinating. Throughout the story, every detail of the woman had a parallel to the mans and vice verse, except on the ending. It tells that the woman would come home, and cry herself to sleep where the man would contemplate and stare at the moon, and swallow his tears. This could mean, that society makes it hard for men to open up and not share their feelings with anyone, not even themselves, so they dont even cry when no one is around. Yet the woman cried when no one was around, because she might have felt safe and comfortable to do so. Or this could mean that the man, had something happy to say because he didnt cry and that the woman didnt. Which wouldnt be hard to believe because the whole short story is rotation is pinned at the barrels of these two individuals and the selected whereabouts of their lives. Or it could mean that because the woman had something happy to reveal she cried because of the feelings of happiness, and that the man didnt cry and instead wallowed up his tears because of the fact that it was hard to open up about. The moon also seems to bring a=out o symbolic message in this short story, one of realizing that it was another parallel where they both looked into it at night, where one cried, and the other swallowed. The woman only looked at the moon and cried, but the man looked at the moon, thought about â€Å"those who had worshipped or loved, or died before that same moon, mute and lovely. Now blue light streamed inside his window and tangled itself with the glow of the sheets. The moon, the same round O. The man looked and swallowed† It seems like the man got more indulgence in this, and the author didnt make it subtle either. The difference of the ending is a clear divide and it could be into societys view of gender roles, or different placement of where they were at in their lives at the very moment. The answer is unclear on what exactly wa s happening and why the different reactions. Why did the man contemplate and swallow? And why didnt the woman do the same? Is it because they are going through different things? Or maybe its because of who they were are people, or maybe there is something that happened in the past that made them who they are, a hidden detail, that reveals why and how they had different reactions and why everything was parallel to each but the very strange ending. There are many things we can take into consideration, it seems like the both of them are in looking for something but no finding it, and it seems like it each other that they long for. It doesnt even have to be in a romantic way, but maybe just a friend who will understand, but because they have a schedule that they both pay credit to, they never met. This lesson may be teaching us that what we are looking for is there, if we not only look hard enough, but try different things, and challenge yourself to be uncomfortable in needs to grow. It also teaches us that no matter what youre going through, you are not alone, and the moon symbol helps portray that. That it is someone in the world right now, saving their sorrows for the moon, their laughs for the moon, their hearts and souls to bare in front of the moon before them. And that you are never alone.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Definition of an Essay Including Writing Resources

The Definition of an Essay Including Writing Resources Essays are brief, non-fiction compositions that describe, clarify, argue, or analyze a subject. Students might encounter essay assignments in any school subject and at any level of school, from a personal experience vacation essay in middle school to a complex analysis of a scientific process in graduate school. Components of an essay include an introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion. Writing an Introduction The beginning of an essay can seem daunting. Sometimes, writers can start their essay in the middle or at the end, rather than at the beginning, and work backward. The process depends on each individual and takes practice to figure out what works best for them. Regardless of where students start, it is recommended that the introduction begins with an attention grabber or an example that hooks the reader in within the very first sentence. The introduction should accomplish a few written sentences that leads the reader into the main point or argument of the essay, also known as a thesis statement. Typically, the thesis statement is the very last sentence of an introduction, but this is not a rule set in stone, despite it wrapping things up nicely. Before moving on from the introduction, readers should have a good idea of what is to follow in the essay, and they should not be confused as to what the essay is about. Finally, the length of an introduction varies and can be anywhere from one to several paragraphs depending on the size of the essay as a whole. Creating a Thesis Statement A thesis statement is a sentence that states the main idea of the essay. The function of a thesis statement is to help manage the ideas within the essay. Different from a mere topic, the thesis statement is an argument, option, or judgment that the author of the essay makes about the topic of the essay. A good thesis statement combines several ideas into just one or two sentences. It also includes the topic of the essay and makes clear what the authors position is in regard to the topic.  Typically found at the beginning of a paper, the thesis statement is often placed in the introduction, toward the end of the first paragraph or so. Developing a thesis statement means deciding on the point of view within the topic, and stating this argument clearly becomes part of the sentence which forms it.  Writing a strong thesis statement should summarize the topic and bring clarity to the reader. For informative essays, an informative thesis should be declared. In an argumentative or narrative essay, a persuasive thesis, or opinion, should be determined. For instance, the difference looks like this: Informative Thesis Example:  To create a great essay, the writer must form a solid introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion.Persuasive Thesis Example:  Essays surrounded around opinions and arguments are so much more fun than informative essays because they are more dynamic, fluid, and teach you a lot about the author. Developing Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs of an essay include a group of sentences that relate to a specific topic or idea around the main point of the essay. It is important to write and organize two to three full body paragraphs to properly develop it. Before writing, authors may choose to outline the two to three main arguments that will support their thesis statement. For each of those main ideas, there will be supporting points to drive them home. Elaborating on the ideas and supporting specific points will develop a full body paragraph.  A good paragraph describes the main point, is full of meaning, and has crystal clear sentences that avoid universal statements. Ending an Essay With a Conclusion A conclusion is an end or finish of an essay. Often, the conclusion includes a judgment or decision that is reached through the reasoning described throughout the essay.  The conclusion is an opportunity to wrap up the essay by reviewing the main points discussed that drives home the point or argument stated in the thesis statement. The conclusion may also include a takeaway for the reader, such as a question or thought to take with them after reading. A good conclusion may also invoke a vivid image, include a quotation, or have a call to action for readers.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Experimental economic summary paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Experimental economic summary paper - Essay Example It was found that the respondents were provided with much bigger rewards in the newspaper research as compared to the lab research. The research identified the existence of parallelism between the field and lab. The researchers also studied the thought processes of the research participants who were involved in the game. The respondents’ choice of subjects and comments were analyzed. In addition to that, the research conducted an in-depth analysis of the newspaper experiments and concluded that they are a potential means of conducting research and the response through newspapers is marvelous. One of the results of the research that I found quite interesting was the researchers’ increased confidence in the newspaper research. I personally think that the lab research is too hectic. Difficulty of approaching the required individuals is one potential factor that complicates the process of research and becomes a fundamental cause of the disinterest of many researchers in the process.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Wall-Mart Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wall-Mart Case - Assignment Example Nevertheless, this led to deterioration of reputation of the company. Furthermore, it is concluded by Wal-Mart that the sole focus on associates and customers is no longer viewed to be as viable option. The implementation of non-market strategy is observed as the viable choice to change the reputation of the company and address the critics. There are several interests which are opposed to Wal-Mart such as campaigning which is furthermore backed by unions. The organizing for nonmarket actions has been heavily influenced by campaigning carried by the organization on internet. Furthermore, this is supported by more than 160,000 people. The key interests that are aligned to Wal-Mart Company are the joining of activist group ACORN and other communities such as SEIU and UFCW. The primary focus of the group of communities is to form workers Association for better condition for employees working in Wal-Mart. Some of the nonmarket actions taken by activists are by reducing the number of hours of working. There can be drastic alteration on nonmarket environment after the resolution of current issues. The own actions of firm and external forces are viewed to be as primary sources for commencement of nonmarket issues. The Wal-Mart association named ACORN is viewed to be as pivotal institutional arenas which can help to lessen the issues. The role of government institutions is regarded as vital and sense of hope for other critics and unions of Wal-Mart. The government is pivotal for controlling of opportunities and non-market strategies. There are four condition that are regarded are vital for successful nonmarket strategy. The participation of field units, support of top management, effective decision-making process and determination are some primary conditions. The strategy implemented by Wal-Mart is only based on growth and low prices. There are other vital elements that are required to be focused

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Australian Financial Institutions and Markets Essay

Australian Financial Institutions and Markets - Essay Example While banks are the major asset holding financial institutions in Australia there are other major players in this arena. The increase the economic power of the banks and deregulation of the 1980's has increased the market share over other financial institutions such as NBFI's(non-bank financial institution), super funds, and other managed fund accounts (Lewis and Wallace 1997, 76). According to Wallace (1997,77) there are 3 major reasons for these changes. "Large banks have an advantage in competition, Australian banks have significant advantages in the form of customer loyalty and extensive branch networks, with the record profits in the industry the banks have access to increasing amounts of capital and finally many of the newer banks in the industry had no clear strategy when they entered the market, giving the big 4 an advantage." Now that banks have come into the market they are competing on several different levels with other financial institutions, "insurance companies and sup erannuation funds compete directly in the market for managed funds, and their products compete directly with instruments provided by the funds management arms of banks (Wallace and Lewis, 1197, 233). However as noted by Wallace and Lewis (1197, 233) life insurance and superannuation funds still comprise 80% of the managed funds sector. 2.1 Insurance In 2002 the insurance industry in Australia held $173.9 billion in assets (Vinley 2003, 36). Insurance companies hold this large amount of assets because they have policy holders paying in monthly sums that may never be paid out or are paid out in smaller sums than were paid in. Insurance companies then use these assets to make money in financial markets through managed funds. Australian banks have sought to enter the insurance market and compete with the existing firms. According to the Wall Street Journal(2005,1), Commonwealth Bank, one of the big 4 banks in Australia recently reported a 50% gain in first half profit which was a result of their wealth management business and a steady result from their insurance arm. The ability of banks to expand into other financial services has affected the insurance industry as the Big 4 banks in Australia now compete with them. The insurance industry has now also begun to move into the domain of other financial services in order to maintain the ir asset base. Vinley (2003, 36) points out that insurance companies have seen a "decline in assets, but this has been offset by significant increases in their managed funds operations, particularly superannuation. The percentage share of superannuation assets has increased to 14.5 % from 1990-2002." 2.2 Superannuation In Australia, superannuation is paid into the funds by employer contributions under the Superannuation Guarantee Charge and by individuals as voluntary contributions (Frino 2005, 2). Superannuation funds make their money by charging small fees for asset management as well as making returns by investing the large amount of assets they have. As stated before insurance companies are now creeping into the superannuation market, but so are Australian banks. They have become one stop shopping for customers in the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Solutions to Rising Healthcare Costs

Solutions to Rising Healthcare Costs Rising cost in health care its solution Contents Executive Summary Reasons for high cost in health care Solutions to the rising cost of health care Implementation of Universal Health care model The Beveridge Model The famous Bismark Model The National Health Insurance Model The Out-of-Pocket Model Procedure to implement Workplace Health Model Conclusion References Executive Summary Undoubtedly, health care costs has emerged as a severe issue these days, especially when the budget is appreciably high. The present financial situation of the world today reveals comparatively high cost in medical and health care. Day by day, the cost of insurance premiums and medical claims for employees is rising at an all-time high and is continuously following an upward trend. In such critical situation, business leaders are being called upon to make changes at workplaces and to implement models which can help in curbing rising costs. Many of them are turning to workplace health programs to help employees so that they can adopt healthier lifestyles. This also will help in lowering the risk of developing costly chronic diseases. A coordinated move toward the workplace’s health promotion results in a planned, prearranged, and comprehensive set of curriculum, policies, benefits, and ecological supports designed to meet the health and safety needs of all employees. Programs r elating to workplace health care tend to be more successful when both occupation and health is considered in the design and execution of the workplace. In fact, a mounting body of evidence indicates that workplace-based interventions that take coordinated,  planned and integrated approaches towards reducing health threats to workers both in and out of work are more effective than traditional isolated programs. (Prevention, 2013) (Figure 1: Health care expenditure) (Source: Forbes, 2013) Reasons for high cost in health care This decade has alarmingly witnessed an appreciable increment in health care costs. Whether it is ever-increasing health indemnity premiums, growing drug costs, or escalating hospital prices, it is an agreeable fact that these costs need to be constrained, or even lowered. For many years and in immeasurable articles, physicians have been the scapegoat for rising healthcare costs in thewhole world. On the other hand, it has been seen that something else is exposed by digging deeper into the key mechanism in healthcare spending as technology and know-how, various administrative expenses, hospital costs, lifestyle substitute and chronic disease conditions have all had superior impacts on rising overall healthcare costs than medical doctors. The bulk of medical payments go to hospitals and device manufactures. It has been suggested by critics that the incomes of physicians is directed by most spending of healthcare. Despite the fact, it is not necessary that the primary beneficiaries of health care spending are physicians. The medical procedure payment in bulk goes in hospitals and in manufacturing the devices. But this does not mean that majority of benefits are gained by physicians and they have caused a rise in the health care settings. This becomes an extremely wrong notion. The five main factors responsible for the increase in health care costs have been discussed below: Unnecessary Care in various occasions Out of many reasons, overuse and needless care, accounts one-third to one-half of all health care expenditure and this equals to hundreds of billions of dollars, in addition to the half-a-trillion spent per year. Preventable Harm to Patients This is one of most common problems of health care. The information is astounding. This is a surprising fact that early elective delivery harms both women and newborns. Children born at 37-39 finished week growth are at much elevated risk of death. They are also at a distant higher risk for evils like respiratory problems and right of entry to theNICU. Wastage of Billions of Dollars A report submitted by the Institute of Medicine  Health  suggests that a third or more of health expenditure are pointless. The cost of these pointless, injurious and early hours elective deliveries account to nearly $1 billion per year as was predicted in a study by the  American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Vicious inducement in how we pay for Care? By tradition, people pay providers for various health plans, Medicare and other Medicaid no matter what services they provide. This is regardless of whether the overhaul truly reimburses the patient or not, as the tremendous new book called The Incentive Cure points out. Deficient in Transparency There must be proper requirement for medical expenditure made. Transparency stimulates change like nothing else. Cases like early elective deliveries demonstrate that, despite of warnings over the years from medical societies and various organizations and highly appreciated national organizations, the rates of these deliveries have been going up for decades.(Forbes, 2013) Solutions to the rising cost of health care Cost in health care all over the world is rising at a rapid rate. The health care spending is increasing faster than the overall economy in US too. As per the National Health Expenditure Accounts data from 2008, it is shown that, people of US spend more than $2 trillion every year on health care which is 16.2 percent of gross domestic product. The amount spent per person comes out to be approximately equal to $7,681. Going up health care costs are inextricably linked to the enlargement in the number of uninsured, making it imperative that the subsequent step in health system improvement include efforts to address growing costs. The American Medical Association (AMA) has recognized four broad policies to maintain the health care expenses and get good benefits for the amount spend after health care: Diminish the burden of avertable disease Make health care delivery more efficient Diminish nonclinical health scheme costs that do not add to patient concern Uphold value-based administration at all levels Here is an elaborate discussion on the above four strategies: Diminish the burden of avertable disease The policy to diminish the risk factors for ailing and preventing the commencement of chronic diseases will definitely improve the patient’s fulfillment with medications and precautionary care recommendations. This policy will also encourage enhanced nutrition and physical movement with prevention in injury due to accidents and violence. This policy will also give enhancement in carrying out more public health campaigns. Formulate health care delivery more efficient The policy of formulating a better health care delivery is always needed to reduce the rising expenses in health care. This will not only improve coordination of care but will also help in reducing unnecessary use of services. This particular strategy is helpful in increasing use of services with optimistic return on investment i.e. in terms of future disease and cost. Here we can get increased accessibility of information on the usefulness of different treatments; advance management of chronic diseases. This will in turn reduce the medical errors and shift care to cost-effective sites of service. Diminish nonclinical health scheme costs that do not add to patient concern This particular strategy will help in eliminating unwarranted spending that does not make an addition to the value of patient concern, such as administrative expenses, profit making, etc. Uphold value-based administration at all levels. This successful strategy tends to improve the processes by which assessment are made so that both cost and benefit can be taken into consideration. Again particularly clinical outcomes are considered in this strategy. Both information and incentives are needed to be improved a lot for host of resolutions. Assessment can be increasingly incorporated into such assessments as physicians and patients decide among medicinal therapies, as insurers plan health chart features, and as legislators settle on budgets or authorization coverage of meticulous benefits. (Association, 2013) The ultimate solution to the ongoing rise in healthcare expenses cannot lie in shifting responsibilities, generating hostility among workers, and contracting the managerial screws on the system. Such solution must lie in dealing with healthcare in a truly fundamental way. Implementation of Universal Health care model Rising costs in Health care is definitely a serious problem. There is a need that every company in the world formulates some strategic and universal plan for appropriate healthcare treatment of its human resources. They must put into practice such plans, which will not only be advantageous to the employees, but also will help that organization to curb the large expenditure in health care. A sound deliberate plan sets the long-term course for a healthcare system in any organization. This will identify the key initiatives and define answerability for results. Various healthcare strategic planning solutions of various organizations in reality guarantee improved presentation through establishing: A fixed accountability for results by human being and date A trouble-free tool to use with which management can manage day-to-day outcomes There must be fast start for one to start on accomplishment of plans Arrangement and promise from all stakeholders An exclusive explanation specific to one’s capability and needs (System, 2005-2013) Health care is the economic black hole of every country. Legislation and rules can only go so far as setting up the system and paving way for new technology but can’t do a great deal on their own. For a genuine combat with health care’s cost challenges, the focal point must budge to disruptive business models as searching innovative ways of delivering accessible treatments at a much lower cost. While new business models are looked-for across the spectrum of healthcare, many impediments put off new ideas from captivating root. There are barriers, which possibly will stem from the fact that health care in various countries do not function like the free market. For example, customers rarely compensate directly for their own care, so there is modest incentive for making trade-offs such as preferring something cheaper that they can get in lesser cost. The regulatory atmosphere often does not allow reasonably priced solutions to make it to marketplace. Finally, there are inco mpatible incentives and hospitals want patients to get that operation, but insurance companies do not want such. (Eyring, 2012) As the expenditure of healthcare has risen, companies have tried to apply many cost-containment stratagems. However, all of which are likely to be only in part effective and only for a little while. More imperative, the new strategy make enemies, cause workers to be disbelieving of the company’s goodwill and intentions, subvert constructive attitudes on the part of the workforce, and harshly degrade the attitude and esprit of retirees with regard to the corporation. The contemporary approaches all amount to cutting benefits and variable costs. The most widespread practice is to push up the workers’ assistance while, at the identical time, reducing the obtainable benefits in the company’s insurance plan. If we take a corporate point of view, we can notice that implementation of a universal health care system is relatively easy and clear-cut. Corporations would make a permanent annual contribution to the national health care system as a percentage of the salary and wages of all workers. For example, it may be only as a talking point, 7.5 percentages of all salary and wages. (Coates, 2004) For implementation of a Universal Health care system, there are four basic models, which can be applied for an appropriate health care system within an organization. Countries all across the globe are following the map of complex legal, economic, and political landscapes to settle on the best path towards worldwide health coverage (UHC). Below we can illustratefour basic models for health care systems. The Beveridge Model In the Beveridge Model, the facility of health care is provided and financed by the government through tax expenditure, comparable to the public library. Many, but not all, hospitals and health centers are owned by the government and some doctors are employees under government, but there are also personal doctors who accumulate their fees from the government. These schemes tend to have low costs per capita, because the government, as the one and only payer, is in charge of what doctors can do and what they can charge. The countries, which are using the Beveridge Model or a variation include: Cuba Great Britain The famous Bismark Model Despite of being most popular in all around the various European countries, this system of providing health care would look comparatively recognizable to Americans. It uses an insurance system and here the insurers are called sickness funds. They are usually financed in cooperation by employers and employees through payroll deduction. Unlike the U.S. indemnity industry, though, Bismarck-type health insurance plans have to wrap everybody, and they do not make a profit. Doctors and hospitals tend to be personal in Bismarck countries. Although this is a multi-payer model and the country, Germany has about 240 different funds but this tight regulation gives government comparable cost-controls as single-payer Beveridge Models. Countries those are familiar in using the Bismarck Model or a variation comprise of; Germany France Belgium the Netherlands Japan Switzerland The National Health Insurance Model These systems have elements in combination of both Beveridge and Bismarck models. It uses private-sector providers, but imbursement comes from a government-run insurance plan that each citizen pays into. Since there is no need for advertising, no financial reason to deny claims and no profit, these universal insurance plans tend to be cheaper and much simpler managerially than American-style for-profit insurance. The single-payer is inclined to have substantial market power to consult for subordinate prices. The classic National Health Insurance system is found in Canada, but some recently industrialized countries like Taiwan and South Korea. These are some newly developed countries, which have also considered the NHI model. (Forward, 2011) The Out-of-Pocket Model Researches state that only some developed, industrialized countries, perhaps 40 of the world’s 200 countries in the world have established health care systems. Most of the countries on the planet are too deprived and too incompetent to provide any kind of mass health checkup facilities and proper medical care. The essential rule in such countries is that the rich get medical care but unfortunately, the people who cannot afford the cost, stay sick, or die. Almost hundreds of millions of people go past their whole lives without ever seeing a doctor in rural regions of Africa, India, China, and South America. They may have right of entry, although, to a village healer using home-brewed medication that may or not be of use against very disease. In the world under poverty, patients can from time to time scratch together enough money to pay a physician bill but if they cannot, then they pay it otherwise like they pay in potatoes or goat’s milk or child care or anything else they may have to provide. If they have nothing, they remain deprived of health checking facility. The above mentioned four models are moderately easy for Americans to understand because the Government and people of the country have all these elements in their fragmented national health care equipment’s (RESOURCES, 2010) (Figure 2: Health care systems) (Source: Resources, 2010) Countries in blue have some type of universal health care. Countries in green are currently attempting to implement some type of universal health care. Orange countries have universal health coverage provided by United States war funding. (Glow, 2007) Procedure to implement Workplace Health Model (Source: (Prevention, 2013) Any organization before implementation must look into the procedure to be followed for implementing an appropriate health care model. There may be four steps to follow: Step 1: Assessment A proper assessment process must be carried on relating to individual, organizational and community. For individual assessment on health risks and use of services needed to be taken. Current practices and infrastructure of the organization must be assessed. Step 2: Planning or Workplace Governance In the next step, planning and workplace governance needed to be considered. This starts with leadership support and management and continues with various workplace health improvement plans and dedicated resources. Step 3: Implementation In the third stage, there require proper implementation of various rules and regulations. There must be proper programs and policies with regard to various health benefits and environmental supports. Step 4: Evaluation After implementation of workplace health care model, evaluation on such polices must be taken. Evaluation is needed on workers’ productivity and health care costs. Management should look into whether implementation of health model helps in cost curbing or not. Assessment also needs to be taken on improved health outcomes and organizational changes (Glow, 2007) Conclusion We all are aware of rising cost of health care and thus, workplaces are suggested to implement such a health care plan that will not only prove to be beneficial to the employees but will also help in curbing the cost within the organization. For having a reasonable health care opportunity, an organization must take into consideration some ideas including of implementing an automated prior authorization program, having a therapeutic consultation programs, transformation of electronic health records and various health information in exchange of e-prescribing. Policies also can be taken on simplification in administration of home and community based services, taking proper information on pharmacy claims, proper review on payment methods etc. (Moeller, 2013) As evident from this report, there is a significant issue with regard to health disparities that exists in the countries. This issue leads to high costs in healthcare. Especially in between 2003 and 2006, it was estimated by Joint center for political and economic studies that health inequity costs that are either total direct or total indirect affect the minority populations (racially or ethnically inclusive of low wage and low productions) In order to achieve truly the costs of savings in the systems of healthcare, it is advised by experts to look at every factor that drives the costs of healthcare over the GDP, growth of population and inflation. Also, analysis of literature and data does not simply point out that physicians are the main cause of rising health care costs. The factors are several as discussed in the report with respect to life style of people and chronic status of individuals (Coates, 2004).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Portrayal of the Lower Class :: Sociology

Portrayal of the Lower Class When the words poverty comes up what are the first things that come to mind. Usually the first thing thought of is the perception of a man with a torn skiing cap, tattered plaid jacket, dirty gloves, no shoes and living under a bridge. This is, like most stereotypes the extremity of the problem. The homeless you see on the street does not exemplify everyone in poverty. Most live in a very small apartment or complex with some food and water. Poverty by definition is the state of having little or no money and few possessions. This definition even says that not all in poverty are without a home or food or even clothes, it simply states that it is not a substantial amount. So how is it that new and everyone that is shown in poverty is always shown in rags on the corner? One reason is for the exact reason these people are in this state, money. Relief Organization and Companies raise millions if not billions of dollars a year on the aid of the less fortunate. Is it really tangible to believe that every drop of this money is going straight to these people? No, some of the money has to be going to patrons or even the fundraisers themselves. Even no-profit organizations spend money on bettering their own facilities. These people are not taking out enough money for there to be a question, but money is lost in translation. I don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but most people in this world are looking to expedite there way into money. What better way than to pluck the strings of another ones heart and have them willingly give you money? You might ask yourself how this plays into the role of stereotyping, its falls into affect when the media and government gets involved. Media sets up a portrayal of people who are poor and misfortunate as having absolutely nothing so that generous people will want to give more. As seen in hurricane Katrina, the media only showed riots in the street, African Americans looting stores, and people will no clothes on standing in the middle of the street in knee-deep water. You might want to know how embezzlers, the government and the media both have an impact on the stereotype of poverty.